We wish to inform our Members and new Members that with effect from 1st January 2025, the annual subscription rate is to be raised from £20 to £25.
May I ask you please to immediately amend your Bankers Order to the Society at the new rate.
However, for those who wish to take out Life Membership with the Society, the new discounted rate will rise from £100 to £125 from 1st January 2025. The full Life rate remains at £200.
The subscription receipts which furnish the bulk of our income has been decreasing 'year on year' for some time now so we need to ensure that our income stream remains at current levels so we can continue with our legacy.
While most of our events are self-financing, there are occasions when the donations are made by the Society from existing funds. A good example of this is the digitisation of the Old Augustinians archives including the school magazines going back to 1886, up to the school's closure in 1995. This was done at considerable cost and was only possible due to the accumulation of membership fees over the years.
May I take this opportunity of thanking you in advance for your generosity in increasing your subscription to the Society.
Bob Bridger, Treasurer & Membership Secretary.